The Goal of Simplifying

Our modern world has shifted its thinking to the idea that more is better - a world where the collective strives to have bigger, better and more of every little thing, a world where the collective glorifies busyness.

We pack our days with endless activities and commitments. More often than not, they leave us breathless; huffing and puffing to get to the next big thing until we find ourselves stressed out and overworked and we wonder why.

Books We Read: Picture Books That Sparked Our Love for Reading

Reading books about topics I find interesting was put on a back burner for quite sometime before the whole world went into pandemic. When the pandemic forced businesses to take a break; workers to work from home and people to stay indoors, I found having more time in my pocket that I could possibly ask for. I rediscovered my love for reading and incorporated it back again in my daily life.

First Ever Books: A Chronology

Kimi’s book collection when he was younger was just a maximum of 6 books kept in a cube in a shelf. These were just word and counting books mostly given by loved ones. Though small in number, they were all put into good use as majority of them are now tattered.