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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

Project 365 Day 73: Prince Ali

Project 365 Day 73: Prince Ali

We packed some treats, got ready, had 5 pieces of KFC to-go and drove to the nearby drive-in cinema. We were set to watch Aladdin that Friday night. I had fond memories of Aladdin: I used to love Aladdin because of his cleverness and scheming ways and Jasmine because of her beauty. I was not expecting much from the movie but boy it was so cute and wonderful and it brought back a lot of beautiful memories from when I was a kid. It was entertaining and light! I appreciated how they brought it back to life with real life actors.

This is Kimi clapping at the end of the show.

Project 365 Day 74: Croissant Dreams

Project 365 Day 74: Croissant Dreams

Project 365 Day 72: Mall Day

Project 365 Day 72: Mall Day